
Podcast: Relationship RX


Being Selfish Is Good For You And Your Teen

Have you ever caught yourself telling your teenager they are being selfish? It may be time you followed their lead. It turns out being selfish is good. Actually, it’s essential if you’re going to be a great parent. Find out why we need to be selfish, what that looks like, and how it can improve our parenting. Sandy Fowler interviews Dr. Laura Dabney to understand the nuances of selfishness and how to use it to build a better relationship with your teenager.

Credits:  Mighty Parenting Podcast

Relationship RX
Relationship RX
Being Selfish Is Good For You And Your Teen

The 3 Secret Reasons You Haven’t Achieved Your Professional Goals

Laura Dabney shares the 3 secret reasons you haven’t achieved your professional goals.

Credits: Optimal Living Daily Podcas

Relationship RX
Relationship RX
The 3 Secret Reasons You Haven’t Achieved Your Professional Goals

Enemy Emotions

Today we talk with the wonderful Dr. Laura Dabney about how being the right kind of selfish can improve your marriage, how Enemy Emotions often destroy intimacy but should really act as smoke alarms, and how avoiding negative emotions can be harmful.

Creadits: Anatomy of Marriage Podcast

Relationship RX
Relationship RX
Enemy Emotions

How Men Deal With Neediness, Anger and Sadness

Dr. Laura Dabney helps high-profile and successful men to deal with anger, sadness and neediness.

Personally, I’ve struggled (at times unknowingly) with all of these issues, and today’s show opened my eyes to a few ideas I’ve never once thought about.

In this conversation, we’ll explore…

  • Why venting doesn’t have to be out loud
  • When and why we must put up boundaries
  • How to prevent anger from turning into rage
  • How men turn their neediness into unhealthy altruism
  • When joking your way out of sadness doesn’t work
  • How intimacy is transparency
  • How positivity is a result of dealing with negativity

Credits: Front Row Dads Podcasts

Relationship RX
Relationship RX
How Men Deal With Neediness, Anger and Sadness
husband and wife talking

Spouse Won’t Try Anything New

Spouse Won’t Try Anything New

Dr. Laura Dabney joins Dr. Corey Allan to answer a couple of questions from the SMR Nation.

A husband asks for help in getting his wife to be willing to try new things in sex.

And a wife emails wanting to know how to get her husband to seek help with his ED issues.

Learn more about Dr. Dabney on her website – https://www.drldabney.com/ or call her at 757-695-3925

Relationship RX
Relationship RX
Spouse Won't Try Anything New
how to identify stress in your relationship

How to Identify Stress in Your Relationship

Dr. Laura Dabney discusses How to find the cause of stress in your relationship and life.

For more helpful information, go to Relationship-RX.

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Relationship RX
How to Identify Stress in Your Relationship
stress management activities

Stress Management Activities for Your Relationship

Dr. Laura Dabney shares helpful stress management activities for your relationship.

For more helpful information, go to Relationship-RX.

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Relationship RX
Stress Management Activities for Your Relationship
stress coping strategies

Stress Coping Strategies for Your Relationship

Dr. Laura Dabney shares stress coping strategies for your relationship and life.

For more helpful information, go to Relationship-RX.


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Relationship RX
Stress Coping Strategies for Your Relationship
stress free life

How to Maintain a Stress-Free Life and Relationship

Dr. Laura Dabney discusses How to Maintain a Stress-Free Life and Relationship.

For more helpful information, go to Relationship-RX.

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Relationship RX
How to Maintain a Stress-Free Life and Relationship
How To Strengthen The Parental Bond With Your Teen

How To Strengthen The Parental Bond With Your Teen

Dr. Dabney discusses How To Strengthen The Parental Bond With Your Teen, Even When They’re Being Mean to You.

For more helpful information, go to Relationship-RX.

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Relationship RX
Relationship RX
How To Strengthen The Parental Bond With Your Teen